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Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Preposition worksheet


A. Fill in the Blanks

Choose the correct preposition from the options given in brackets:

  1. She is fond ___ chocolates. (of/in)
  2. He jumped ___ the river to save the child. (into/onto)
  3. The cat is hiding ___ the table. (under/above)
  4. We’ve been living here ___ 2015. (for/since)
  5. The train arrived ___ time. (on/at)
  6. The book is ___ the shelf. (on/in)
  7. I prefer coffee ___ tea. (to/than)
  8. She is good ___ playing the piano. (at/on)
  9. He was punished ___ breaking the rules. (for/by)
  10. They walked ___ the park in the evening. (through/over)

B. Correct the Sentences

Identify and correct the incorrect prepositions in the following sentences:

  1. He is married with a doctor.
  2. The child was afraid by the dark.
  3. They discussed about the new project.
  4. She is waiting on her friend at the cafe.
  5. I am interested on learning new languages.

C. Match the Prepositions

Match the prepositions to their appropriate usage.

  1. On
    a. Time expressions (e.g., a date)
  2. At
    b. Specific location
  3. In
    c. Inside a place or an enclosed space

D. Complete the Sentences

Complete the sentences using suitable prepositions:

  1. The keys are kept ___ the drawer.
  2. He will return ___ a week.
  3. She went to the market ___ her mother.
  4. The dog is sitting ___ the door.
  5. They travelled ___ plane to reach New Zealand.

E. Create Sentences

Use the following prepositions in sentences of your own:

  1. With
  2. Between
  3. During
  4. Above
  5. Over

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